Category Archives: Springer

Wedding Wednesday – William Springer and Florence Murphy

Groom William G. Springer

Bride Florence A. Murphy

Residence of Groom  Berlin, N. H.

        ” ”             Bride        ”        ”    “

Age of Groom 22

  ”         Bride 21

Color of Groom White

       ”        Bride   “

Occupation of Groom  Labourer

       ”                   Bride  at home

Birthplace of Groom  Montpelier, VT

      ”                  Bride  Prince Edw. Island

No. of Marriage for Groom 1st

             ”                      Bride   1st

Groom Widowed or Divorced ——

Bride          ”            ”       ”          ——

Intention Filed Feb 10, 1916

By Whom Married Rev. Jas. B. McCaffrey

Residence Gorham, N.H.

Official Station*  Clergyman

Date of Marriage Mar. 6, 1916

Place  Gorham, N.H.

(Record continued over)

*Clergyman or Justice of the Peace

Groom’s Father and Mother

Father’s Name Alex Springer

    ”      Residence Deceased

     ”     Age 37  Color White

     ”     Occupation Moulder

     ”     Birthplace Montpelier, Vt.

Mother’s Name Mary H. Cote

     ”      Residence Berlin, N.H.

     ”       Age          Color White

     ”       Occupation Housewife

     ”       Birthplace Canada

Bride’s Father and Mother

Father’s Name Dominie Murphy

”      Residence Deceased

”     Age 59  Color White

”     Occupation Farmer

”     Birthplace Prince Edw. Island

Mother’s Name Rose A. McIntyre

”      Residence Berlin, N.H.

”       Age  54      Color White

”       Occupation Housewife

”       Birthplace Prince Edw. Island

Reviewing 2010 Resolutions

As 2010 comes to a close, it is time to take a look back at the resolutions made for this year and see how I did with my research and then I can decide what my resolutions will be for 2011.

Find out who the parents are of John O’Connell and Bridget (Curran) O’Connell.

For John, I actually found a death certificate. Through the death certificate I was able to have someone find his obituary for me. Read how my Brickwall Came Tumbling Down for more information.

John’s parents are Denis O’Connell and Helen Teahan.

For Bridget, I am still searching for more concrete evidence. At this point, I know she was a sponsor to Catherine (nee’ Curran) Berringer’s daughter. I was hoping to find proof that Bridget and Catherine are sisters, but no such luck. I do have an index from Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland that shows a Bridget Currane was baptized. This index shows parents as Patrick Currane and Mary McGill. According to research being completed on Catherine Curran Berringer, her parents are John Curran and Catherine McCarthy.

So I still have no absolute proof on Bridget’s parents. I have called the town and county where Bridget is buried to see if they have any death records on her, they do not. Our Lady of Mount Carmel has not further information on Bridget or Catherine.

Find out who Marie O’Connell that is buried in St Mary / St Paul’s cemetery is? Does she fit into the family. She is the last O’Connell there.

What I have found so far is that a John O’Connell married a Marie Goyette at St. Paul’s Church on 9 Apr 1915.  John and Marie are found living in Nassau, Rensselaer, NY in 1920 and Fair Haven, Rutland, VT in 1930 (which is where John died in 1931). At this point, I have not found any mention of Marie in the Newspapers, no marriage notice or obituary. I can only assume that the Marie in St. Paul’s cemetery is John’s wife.

Visit the NY Cemeteries were my family members are buried. While in NY, meet the remaining family members that are there.

I completed this journey in June with a cousin and aunt. I have shared some of the photo’s already and have more to share.

Continue research into my Springer line.

The specific records I was looking for on this line were specific to Rose Springer. I was hoping to find her birth, marriage, divorce or even her second marriage records. I have not found one of them so far. To be honest though, I did not search very hard.

What I have been able to find out has come from a phone interview with a cousin in Az who told me that the Springer family is from Quebec and when they moved to the states, they changer their name from Fontaine to Springer. She also told me that Rose’s father died before 1900, he had been struck by lightening (I believe he was going from the house to the barn). I used this information to search message boards and I found another cousin out west. I was able to meet with one of Rose’s nieces over the summer, she took me to a family function where I was able to meet other family members who also remember Rose. It was a great privilege to spend the evening with the extended family.

Find a very nice person who is willing to translate Russian to English for me so I can continue research on my Mother-in-laws family.

Thanks to Thomas MacEntee at Geneabloggers, I found someone who translated a few sections of a Russian website.

My brother-in-law also started helping research this line and we have been able to find the family in ship records (which is what I have been trying to find for about 2 years now).

So, that is my year in review. I hope everyone else has had a good year as well and that you were able to meet some of your goals.

Tombstone Tuesday – Sophia Utton

Sophia Utton was born Sophia Springer in March of 1883 to Alexander Springer  (known as Hilaire Fontaine, before 1880) and Mary Cote (known as Marie Cote prior to 1880). Sophia was one of seven children.

Sophia married Leroy Utton of Vermont around 1901 according to the 1910 census, at this point they had already moved to Chicago, Cook Co., IL. Where they remained. Sophia and Leroy owned and ran a small grocery store in the city of Chicago.

According to the stories I have recently heard, Sophia was a kind woman with a heart of gold. She gave jobs to family members who needed them, a place to sleep to those who did not have one and money to family members who really needed it.  Sophia died in 1955, I am still searching for an obituary or anything in SSDI. 

Sophia Utton gravesite, Acacia Park Cemetery, Chicago, Cook, IL © 2010

This is the earliest of my family, on this side, to be in Chicago. I wonder if they were the driving force for the family to move this way, little by little. 

Last Wednesday, I went to the cemetery to photograph the headstone of Sophia and Leroy at Acacia Park Cemetery. I went into the office to find out exactly where they are located. All I knew was in the mausoleum. They ladies informed that they are located in the “old” section (I did not really think of the 1950’s as old) and it was not accessible to the general public, only immediate family members are allowed in this section. They wanted to know how I was related, so I advised them she was my second great-aunt. They were not to impressed by this and said that was not immediate family. But, they would allow me to go up there. It seems that the steps to the third floor of the mausoleum collapsed years before and they have not been fixed, the only way up is by elevator. They asked an employee, Angel to take me up there. Angel met me at the mausoleum and we walked through the first floor, which was the most beautiful mausoleum I have ever seen. In the “old” section on the first floor, it was all marble with many roman columns and stained glass windows. It was absolutely gorgeous. If I was alone, I probably would have taken many pictures there. Once Angel and I made it to the third floor of the old section, I was glad to have someone with me. We exited the elevator and stood in a room about 10′ long and 5′ wide. Could be spooky if I was alone. 

Thanks to Angel and the staff at Acacia Park, for permitting me into the “old” section of the mausoleum.

A New Surname to Search, Cote

My exciting weekend with a new cousin has proved to be insightful. She has shared some family stories and has passed on information to help me search. Today, she asked me this question, “At this point I need to ask if you want the details of all the family, Or do you want the thrill of the “Chase”, doing the research On your own with guides as to local and dates.”

My reply was, that I like the hunt as well. She very excited and gave me some information on Marie Elizabeth Cote to start with. She was 1 of 12 children born to Francios Xavier Cote and wife Felicite. 

Here are their children:

Joseph b. 11 Nov 1849 St Antoine, Quebec

Louis b. 15 Dec 1850, St Antoine, Quebec

Marie Rosalie b. 2 Feb 1852, St Antoine, Quebec

Marie Emilie  b. 26 Dec 1854,  St Antoine, Quebec

Marie Henriette  b. 9 June 1856, St Antoine, Quebec

David b. and d. 10 July 1853 St Antoine, Quebec

Marie Eilzabeth b. 21 Feb 1858, Apollonaire, Quebec (married Hilaire Fontaine)

Ferdinand b. 19 May 1859, Apollonaire, Quebec

Marie Arthemise  b. 8 Sep 1860, Apollonaire, Quebec

Xavier  b. 21 Dec 1862,  Apollonaire, Quebec

Marie Delima  b. 5 Sep  1864,  Apollonaire, Quebec

Rose DeLima  b 9 Apr 1866, Apollonaire, Quebec

This gives so many collateral lines to work on,  to try to find as much information as possible on this line. Beyond name and date of birth, I have nothing else on this family.

Photo believed to be of the Cote sisters, Mary is second from right.


Digital photo, original held by C. Cull, believed to be taken in Rumsford, ME
©Terri O’Connell 2010


The Many Joys of Genealogy


When I started this journey, learning about the family that came before, I wanted to just know who they were and really not much more. My maternal grandfather, William Richmond,  was in the hospital and it did not look good. I had met his siblings and his parents. But I never really knew them. Most of the were complete strangers. Why? What could be good enough reason that the family is not so close? Well, I will never know the whole story, but I know that my grandfather never felt he they  treated him the same as his siblings. As an adult living in Chicago, his parents never lived far. I remember seeing them a handful of times, going to their apartment and one Easter at his sister’s house. Truly not a lot of communication through this family line. I was an adult when my great-grandmother, Edith Walker Richmond,  passed away at 102 (which was only 6 years ago). As I go through my family information, I always feel bad that I never made an effort to see her either. I could have changed this relationship, I could have found out more about the family. The first thing you read about when starting on your genealogy is to interview your family members and start with the oldest. Why did I not listen to that? I will never have an answer to that. But my journey will continue, it will just be a bit harder to continue for lack of information.

As I have continued on this journey looking for family members that have come before me, I have had many exciting days. I wanted to take some time to list the joys of my genealogical journey.

  • My O’Connell line was a hard one, I’ve been successful in getting back further than anyone else who has tried to research this family. 
  • Finding the burial-place of Dennis O’Connell in a folio at Newberry Library.
  • Calling the cemetery to learn that this is in fact the correct Dennis and 5 other family members there as well.
  • Having someone on help me find the burial-place of Bridget (Curran) O’Connell.
  • The help I have received on GenealogyWise finding my Revolutionary Soldier, bringing my family back 100 years in 1 day.
  • Finding the burial-place of Rose (Springer) O’Connell McAvoy blocks from my home
  • Having my paternal grandfather’s scrap-book, with many original documents of his father Dennis O’Connell
  • Having photo’s from the same scrap-book.
  • Meeting many new “cousins” through my research

Cousins, no matter how far removed,  are always a pleasure to find. Before I started this journey, I never even thought of finding living relatives. It was not the goal. Through my many years of research, I have found cousins through the Ancestry message boards, through My Family’s Raleigh, WV site, through letters I have sent out and from knocking on doors of old family homes. I would never have thought that I would find family through blogging or twitter.  This past week I have found two more new cousins to add to my trees and I am really excited about that. Cheryl at Heritage Happens and I descend from the same Richmond tree. We found each other through Twitter. Really, who would have guessed that have a conversation through tweeting could be so fruitful for my tree? I look forward to being able to do some more research on this line, as I know she does too. There is one more cousin that I believe I have found, but until we speak, that will remain mine and  Cheryl’s genea secret!

I hope you have many joys in your genealogy search as well!

Summing up 2009 Goals

The next installment of Carnival of Genealogy is about our goals for 2010. I could not very well write new goals with revisiting the ones I set for 2009. Below are the goals for 2009 in bold and what I have accomplished so far.

1. Find out who the parents are for John O’Connell.

Still trying to find out. I have found where John is buried, I need to order his death certificate to continue my research.

2. Find out who the parents are for Bridget Curran O’Connell.

Again, I have found where she is buried and need to get more records to continue research on the Curran line. According to church records, they believe she had a sister named Catherine.

3. Place the remaining 2 O’Connell’s at St Paul’s/St Mary’s Cemetery into the family tree.

Still have to place Marie O’Connell (1859 – 1950). I am thinking she is either a second wife for John or an unmarried sister.

4. Go to NY and visit the cemeteries and get photo’s of grave markers (St Paul’s/St Mary’s, Black River and Mount Carmel). Plus meet the family I have found.

Since I have been unemployed for most of the year, I have not been able to make it to NY. I have written letters and spoke on the phone with one of the relatives I have found. Theresa is willing to meet with our family and interested in whatever family information I have found.

5. Continue to blog my research and findings on a regular basis.

Still blogging about my research

6. Start more in-depth research on the Springer line.

The Springer line starts with my Great Grandmother Rose Springer (30 Mar 1888 – 22 Aug 1966). So far, I have found her Mother in once census record. Mother is Mary, she also has a brother, William and a sister, Sophia/Sophie.

Though I have done a lot of research this year, it seems I need to work more on these goals. To be precise, I need to set precise goals and go from there.

My Irish Ancestor

The 16th edition of the Irish Heritage and Culture has asked bloggers to submit a story on an Irish ancestor and share a photo, if possible. When I started researching the family tree, the one question I really wanted to answer was where in Ireland did my Irish ancestors come from? At this point I am no closer to answering that question, but I am still working on it.


Larry (Ambrose) and Dennis

Copyright © 2009 Terri O’Connell (original photo held by Terri O’Connell)

Dennis O’Connell was born 6 Sep 1883 to John and Bridget (Curran) O’Connell of Granville, NY. Dennis was third of seven children. He was also the first son born into the family. He was baptized 10 days after his birth at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Middle Granville, NY. His sponsors were Edward and Mary Leanord. He married Rose Springer circa 1897.

Rose and Dennis had 4 children, Ambrose Lawrence (my Grandfather), Linus Joseph, Theresa May and the fourth child died as a toddler. They started their family in New Hampshire, where Ambrose was born in 1905. In 1910, the family was living at 11 New Street, Town of Moreau, Saratoga County, NY. Also living with the family was Mary E. Robichaud and William Springer (Rose’s Mother and brother).

Dennis is found in 1918, in Thorold, Alberta, Canada on 15 Jan 1918. This record states he has been living there for three months. Dennis continues his career in papermaking, working for the Ontario Paper Company.

By 1920, Dennis and Rose have divorced.  Rose is raising the three children, between the ages 11 and 14, alone. They are living at 12 Jay Street, Queensbury, Warren County, NY.

Dennis died in 17 Nov 1950. His body was returned home to Hudson Falls, NY. Where he is buried surrounded his father, brother – John W, sister  – Harriet and other O’Connell family members at St Paul’s/St Mary’s Cemetery, Hudson Falls, NY.

Though  few relatives remain that were around when Dennis was alive, I unfortunately have no stories to share. Dennis spent his remaining years in Canada and his grandchildren were raised in Chicago, IL. Though they lived far apart, it seems that Dennis did remain in touch with his children through the years. Through conversations with family members, I know that his oldest son went to Canada and stayed with his Dad for work reasons at one point. I also have pictures of Dennis with his three grown children.

Since I have not found any official divorce records at this point, I can only assume that the reason Dennis left NY for Canada is to find employment. I hope that one day, I will be able to find the truth to this.

In his private records that I have, I can see that he was a hard worker and had many friends. In these records is a poem written upon his death by co workers. I will add this to my blog another day. 


1 Letter from Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Middle Granville, dated 7 Jul 1940, Original,  held by Terri O’Connell

2 1910 Federal  Census,  Town of Moreau, Saratoga County, NY ED 119, SD 9, sheet 7A, line 7,,

3 1920 Federal Census, Queensbury, Warren County, NY ED 163, SD 10, Sheet 1B, line 77,,

Grandpa Larry


Larry and daughter Theresa

Larry and daughter Theresa



Born Ambrose Lawrence (Larry) O’Connell on 17 Dec 1905 in Berlin, NH to Dennis O’Connell of Grangerville, NY and Rose May Springer of Maine. Ambrose was raised in the Hudson Falls area of NY. In his 20’s, he road the rails with brother Linus (Joe) to Illinois, where both brothers settled, for the most part. Soon after their Mother Rose and sister Theresa followed. Both brothers started life using their first names, but somewhere in the 1930-1940’s both boys started using their middle names.  Larry died 28 Feb 1975, Chicago, IL.

Larry was married 3 times. His first marriage was to Janet, they had a son Bobby.

His second marriage was to Rose, they had son Dennis and daughter June Rose.

His third marriage was to Ida Jaeger, they had daughter Theresa, and sons Lawrence and David.

Larry is my paternal Grandfather, through his third marriage to Ida. Last week I wrote about my memories of Ida, you can read more about her here.

I was very young when my Grandpa passed, but I wanted to share the memories I do have. When I gave birth to my first child, my father and I were sitting in the hospital talking about my Grandparents. When we discussed them, he could not believe the things I remembered because they passed when I was young.

Grandpa Larry treated his grandchildren well. You could say that we were spoiled by him to a point. The family did not have much money, but we had love. I remember Grandpa  would walk home from work, he would always have candy in his pockets for the grandkids. If it was something I did not like, he would bring me home some Swiss Miss Chocolate Pudding. He wanted all of us to be happy. 

Grandpa had his hobby of building ships. I remember we were allowed to look, but that was it. I recall sitting there watching him work with these small parts and how fascinated we were with them. Unfortunately, I do not have one of the beautiful ships he built. I do however have the next best thing, I have some pictures of them. Make sure to come back on Treasure Chest Thursday to see them.

Once, when we were in his room watching him build, he taught us how to siphon water from one glass to another. Strange memory, I know! 

He loved the first snow. It was peaceful and beautiful. I remember him waking me in the middle of the night so that we could watch that first snow come down. How it looked so beautiful on the trees. It was pure, unspoiled beauty! To this day, this is my favorite time to watch the snow. This past year, I went outside with my camera in hand to enjoy the beauty of mother nature.

I remember sitting on his lap, watching Frosty the snowman. How I cried at the end when Frosty melted, to his calm reply “he will be back again next year.” Yes, I realize that is how the show ended, I was four and found the comfort from my Grandpa instead of the cartoon.

He taught us to dunk our toast in coffee, and did not mind when we did it to his coffee!

The last of my memories happen sitting on his lap and how he would sing to us The Animals Fair. He also would pretend to eat a wad of paper, we would watch it go into his mouth. Do not ask me what happened to the paper, I have no clue. I was so young when he died.

Saturday Night Fun – Surname Wordle

Tombstone Tuesday – Rose O’Connell – McAvoy

Rose and Frank Mc Avoy

Rose O’Connell is my mysterious Great Grandmother. It seems there was a falling out with her son Larry and the family never reconnected. I ordered a copy of her death certificate and found out that she was buried only 3 blocks from my house. I was so excited to have found this information, that I was at the cemetery the next morning. 
Rose was born 30 Mar 1888 in either Maine or NH (not 100% sure yet). She married Dennis J O’Connell before 1905 and had 4 children with him, Ambrose Lawrence b. 1905, NH. Linus Joseph b. 1908, NY. Theresa May b. 1909, NY. The fourth child was a male that did not survive. 
Dennis and Rose divorced and he moved to Canada before 1920. 
The boys took to the rails and settled in Illinois. Theresa and Rose followed. By 1930, Rose was remarried to Frank McAvoy. 
We have reconnected with a family member, who has added some of the McAvoys to our family tree. I hope to connect with them at some point to learn more about this branch of my family.